Sunday, January 31, 2010

Red Lentil Soup

I have a ton of things I want to blog about but currently I am fighting the feeling that I am coming down with something as I can't stop sneezing and my head feels like it was hit with a brick.

I will have to make due with a short post filled with a yummy dinner I made last night based loosely on this recipe by Fat Free Vegan.  I googled red lentil soup and hers was the first one I looked at.  I didn't have time to read what Vadouvan is and I still have not, but I did base my soup on hers.  I used some mustard seeds, onion, garlic, cumin, coriander, and paprika and cooked them up with the red lentils and water.  After 20 minutes I added a little salt and a can of fire roasted tomatoes.  I then served it up on top of a bed of swiss chard along side a salad.

After the soup sat for a minute or two, I stirred in the chard.  This was delicious!  More on the salad and those seeds topping it another time when I don't feel like my head is going to explode!

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